UniFilter NU4104ST Air Filter Honda CR80 / CR85
$39.75 AUD
Unifilter 4104ST Foam Airfilter
CR80 1986-2002
CR85 2003-2013
Reusable after cleaning and oiling
Australian Made
- 6v Globes / Bulbs
- AA Needle (Float Valve Needle)
- Accelerator Pump Diaphragm
- Accessories
- Air Cut Off Valve ACV
- Air Filters
- Air Screw
- Battery Charger
- Bearings
- Brake Pads / Shoes
- Brake Switch
- Breaker Plate
- Brembo Brake Pads
- Cables
- Cam Chains
- Carb Float Set
- Carb Screw Kits
- Carburetor Gaskets Miscellaneous
- Carburetor Joints
- CB125E Slow Jet
- Chain and Sprocket Set
- Chains
- Clutch Plates
- Condenser
- Conrod Kits
- Contact Point Sets
- CR Smooth Bore Carb Parts
- CT110 Chain
- CT110 Parts
- CT110 Piston Rings
- CT110 Postie Bike Front Sprockets
- CT110 Postie Bike Gaskets
- CT110 Postie Bike Rear Sprocket
- CT110 Postie Bike Slow / Pilot Jets
- CT90 Main Jets
- Cush Drive Rubber
- Cylinder
- D.I.D Chain
- Drain Screws
- Ducati
- Engine Valves
- Exhaust Gaskets
- Featured Products
- Flasher
- Float Bowl Gaskets
- Float Bowl Screws
- Float Valve And Needle Seat
- Fork Seals
- Front Sprockets
- Fuel Filters
- Fuel Pipe Joints
- Fuel Pump
- Gasket Kits, Complete or Top End
- Grips
- Hitachi Type Round Main Jets
- Honda
- Hose Clamp
- Indicators
- Iridium IX Spark Plugs
- Iridium Laser Spark Plugs
- Jet Needle CR Special Carbs
- Jet Needle Set
- Joining Link
- Kawasaki
- Keihin 99101-116-*** Type Main Jet - 4mm Small Round
- Keihin Small Round Z50 Type #1 Main Jet
- Keihin Small Round Z50 Type #2 Main Jet
- Keihin Type CRS N24-14 Air Jets
- Keihin Type CRS N424-24 Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type CT90 Slow Jets
- Keihin Type FCR Pilot Jet 15mm
- Keihin Type KHS-1200** Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type KHS-47A0** Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type Main Jet - 5mm Small Round
- Keihin Type Main Jet - Large Hex
- Keihin Type N424-21 Pilot Jet 28mm
- Keihin Type N424-25B Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type N424-330 Slow Jets
- Keihin Type N424-74C Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type Old Style Main Jets
- Keihin Type Press In Pilot Jets
- Keihin Type Push In Round Main Jets
- Keihin XL250K Slow Jet
- Levers
- Master Cylinder Brake
- Mikuni N224.103 (TMX36) Type Pilot Jets
- Mikuni Type Large Round Man Jets
- Mikuni Type M10/14 Old Style Hex Main Jets
- Mikuni Type Main Jet - Push In Round
- Mikuni Type Main Jet - Small Hex
- Mikuni Type Main Jet - Small Round
- Mikuni Type N151.067 Slow Jets
- Mikuni Type Pilot Jet KYS-03B0**
- Mikuni Type Slow Jets for Yamaha and Suzuki
- Mikuni VM22/210 Type Pilot Jet
- Mikuni VM28/486 Type Pilot Jets
- Miscellaneous
- Oil Filters
- Oil Seal Kits
- Parts Box
- Petcock Diaphragm
- Petcock Repair Kits
- Pilot Screw Set
- Piston Diaphragm
- Piston Kits
- Piston Rings
- Rear Sprockets
- Replacement Carb Parts
- Rim Tape
- Slide Diaphragm
- Spark Plugs
- Speedometer
- Speedometer Cables
- Spray Cans, Lube and Clean
- Stainless Steel Brake Lines
- Suzuki
- Swing Arm Bush / Pivot Pin
- Switches
- Tachometer
- Tachometer Cables
- Teiki Pilot Jets
- Tools
- Triumph
- Tubes
- Valve Stem Seals
- Valves, Engine Exhaust and Intake
- Wheel Bearings
- XR80 Pilot Jets
- Yamaha